LACE for Life
Let me guess - You already know what you want in life, or at least you think you know. Well, you know what you don't want, but you really have little or no idea what you do want, or how to get it. Do you wonder what a coaching session would be like, or how it could help you - in just an hour? Do you need to talk through some problem to understand the root cause, or put together a plan with someone who can help you fill in all the blanks? Would you benefit from a real discussion with someone who is friendly, but not so friendly that they won't require the one thing you and your "friends" fear - accountability? A good coach will help you reach the goals that you decide to pursue with a success rate that you never could have achieved by yourself, and in far less time than it would have taken to get there alone. This discovery session is where your journey starts. If you see value you'll stick with it. If you don't find the time worthwhile, maybe I'm not the coach for you. I can refer you to other coaches who might be a better fit for you. Coaching definitely works, so don't give up on finding yours. |
This program is designed to provide a streamlined Gap Analysis through the ELI Assessment tool. The realizations that you'll gain from the Energy Leadership Index assessment and debrief process alone will change the way you view your world. The E.L.I. is an attitudinal assessment, which is based on an energy/action model. This assessment differs from personality assessments as it is not intended to label a person and have them work well within that label. Instead, it measures your level of energy based on your attitude, or perception and perspective of your world. Because attitude is subjective, it can be altered. By working with a coach using the E.L.I., you can alter your attitude and perspective, make a shift in your consciousness, and increase your energy and leadership effectiveness. |
LACE for Life
LACE for Life
This program is exactly as its name implies - INTENSE. The goal is to find out how we can break-through whatever is holding you back the most right now. You know, that negative habit that you've been dragging around for years. You've been able to suppress it, but now it's time to kill it! Or maybe we need to work together and put a muzzle on all of the negative self-talk that constantly derails your best efforts. Any time things get hard, that area of your mind starts playing the sad song about all the times you've failed to finish and failed to follow through. Then there's the "gremlin" inside that's always happy as long as it gets your attention. The minute it senses you getting excited, inspired, or genuinely passionate about something, that thing starts reminding you - "You're not smart enough", "You're not strong enough", or "You're not worth it". It's about time that we give your mind some new, positive affirmations to send you on our way to a more peaceful and prosperous life. |
This powerful program is tailored to your desired areas of growth. Our lives, and the influencers that shape them, are interestingly disguised. I have developed a 4-step transformative process to help you identify, experience, prioritize, plan and attain the satisfying, balanced, life of enjoyment and purpose in which you can truly THRIVE. First, we identify what a fulfilled and balanced life would look like for you. I will introduce some powerful tools and exercises designed to help you gain transparency into your own mind and paint a specific picture of what it is you want your ideal life to be. Secondly, we will identify three immediate ways you can experience more satisfaction, balance and fun in your life right now. Once we’ve identified some “quick wins”, we’ll build on that momentum as I support you in building your ideal Life Plan. This plan is made up of specific action steps in two major areas: 1) eliminating things that drain you rather than revive you, those things that are no longer serving you well, and 2) creating new habits and “ways of being” that will really energize you and make you feel truly YOU. As you execute your plan, I will keep you focused, motivated, and hold you accountable. This partnership will enable you to move forward quickly towards living a more satisfying and balanced life. |
LACE for Life